International Brain Research Foundation

Save a Soldier

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Save a Soldier Project

After their years of service to our country, our veterans deserve more than just our thanks. They deserve every chance at health, well-being, and a life filled with hope. That’s why we created our “Save a Soldier” program, with its Veterans Advanced Care Program (V-ACP), which was inspired by Dr. Philip A. DeFina’s time as a soldier in the US Army.

Veterans suffering from brain injuries and post traumatic stress go through a 30-day treatment program that is based on their specific needs and takes place five days a week. Before starting this intensive program, our dedicated clinical staff carefully evaluates each veteran. This includes a full intake, pre- and post-brain mapping, and a number of neurological, psychiatric, and neuropsychological tests. 


Our dedication does not end when the program is over; we keep an eye on, coach, and help every veteran, making sure they stay involved and informed as they heal. Thanks to our collaborations with other foundations, every veteran under this program doesn’t have to worry about food, housing, or transportation.

Join us as we try to give back and make sure our soldiers get the care and support they deserve. Your support can make a tangible difference. A donation, big or small, not only aids in the continuation of this program but directly impacts the lives of these veterans, offering them a chance at a brighter, healthier future.

Details of the treatment protocol are as follow:

  • 40 Sessions of Medical-Grade Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
  • 20 qEEG Neurofeedback sessions
  • 20 Customized IV Infusion Protocols
  • 20 Neuromodulation Procedures Utilizing Electrical and Magnetic Light and Sound Therapies

Total cost of the clinical component of this program: $35,000 per veteran.

To learn more about the program and be in touch, please follow us on Instagram:

Help a veteran reclaim their life

Dr. Philip DeFina speaks on traumatic brain injuries and Veterans’ mental health

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